
Featured Snippets are taking over the SERP. A lot of marketers want to be featured in that spot that’s why they enroll in our SEO Academy to learn SEO in-depth. Keywords or key phrases with featured snippets are getting more than 8% clicks while 19% is from the organic search result. You can get a…

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Try the SEO Academy and See How to Improve Your Website

When you have a great idea for a business of your own, you have the drive and ambition to get things started as soon as possible so you can present it to the public. You want others to see your great ideas, products, and services and start using you as a source. Of course, even…

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the SEO Academy

Marketing your business in the world today is much different than what it was ten or twenty years ago. In the past, you may have focused your marketing efforts more towards things like taking advertising in your local phone book or advertising in the local newspaper. Today, you have the potential to reach a much…

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