Improve SEO

Are you getting the results that you want from your SEO campaign? If you’re wondering why some sites are getting high ranks while your site is stuck on page two or three, you might want to evaluate your site’s SEO campaign and find out why yours is failing. In this post, let’s talk about why your business doesn’t get the results that you want and what you can do to improve SEO.


1. Expecting Results Quickly

SEO can take a long while before you see results. However, most businesses want to start seeing their rankings improve almost immediately. But it’s important to remember to have realistic expectations for your campaign.


You’ll start seeing results within four to six months. But the results can grow over time. To fix it, you need to have realistic expectations for your campaign. Although you should watch your campaign from day one, don’t be surprised if you don’t see an increased in ranking before the fourth month.


However, if you still don’t see your ranking moving at the 6th month, you should tweak or overhaul your overall campaign.


2. Ignoring internal linking

Internal linking is vital for SEO as it helps the search engines crawl your site and make sure to find related content. Unfortunately, most site owners don’t understand its importance, so they ignore linking to relevant content on their site.


So, when writing a post, make sure that you like to two to three related pages on your site. But you should only use anchor text that makes sense from a user and SEO perspective.


3. Using keywords, that are highly competitive

Be realistic when you choose keywords to target. Don’t use phrases that most brands in your niche are also targeting. That’s because you’ll never rank high for them.


To fix it, make sure to choose phrases with decent searches but not too competitive. Find phrases that are extremely suitable to your company.


4. Not fixing site’s speed

Google includes page speed in ranking a site. That means, your site should load fast, or it’s never going to rank higher.


To check your site’s speed, use PageSpeed Insights tool of Google. This tool will check your site’s speed and offer suggestions on how to improve it.


5. Avoiding long-tail keywords

Short-tail keywords are enticing, but they’re harder to rank for. Plus, they don’t convert. Instead of focusing on short-tail keywords, you should use specific, targeted words.


For guidance on how to choose the right long-tail keywords, consult SEO Academy today to learn more about how to optimize your site for long-tail keywords:

improve seo