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WordPress is the most popular option as a CMS (Content Management System). WordPress was just a blogging platform. These days, however, it serves a variety of purposes. It can power an eCommerce site, corporate site, and even a bank.

This CMS offers a lot of opportunities for website owners. In this post, you’ll learn about the benefits of using WordPress.

It’s an open source.

WordPress is an open source, and so are its plugins and themes. It’s one of the reasons most developers opt for this platform because they can easily understand the code written by other developers. Since it’s an open book, anyone can read and understand the code.

It’s easy to use.

When you start learning WordPress, you’ll realize that it’s incredibly easy to use. Anyone who has tried it claimed that this platform could be learned in less than a week. It’s easy to add images, pages, and articles. If there’s something you wish to update your blog, you can do it very quickly.

Its functionality makes it easy for search engines to find your site.

The code of this platform is straightforward and easy to understand by the search engine’s spiders. For that reason, WordPress sites have better search engine rankings than other sites that utilize another platform.


It’s cost-effective.

Learning to use WordPress is incredibly cheap. SEO.Academy, for instance, offers free tutorials. If you want a more comprehensive guide, you can sign up for a very low fee.

When you choose WordPress as your CMS, maintaining it is very minimal. The application is free while the add-ons are very cheap. Plus, it can easily work with most web-hosting services.

That said, you can get an affordable hosting plan without having to worry about whether or not it’ll work with this platform.

It’s 100 percent customizable

One of the best advantages of learning WordPress is that the platform can be easily customized based on your company’s needs.

It offers a multitude of tools that let you fully customize your site to your advantage. In that way, you can make it shine and be seen by your guests. For that reason, you can target your niche by just customizing your site’s design to attract more visitors.

Do you need help in learning this platform?

If you’re new in making a website or a blog, then we suggest you go with WordPress. It’s the easiest platform you can use and maintain. If you need help in learning it, you can check out SEO.Academy for our WordPress tutorials.