Attorney SEO

Attorney SEO is no different from other types of niche-specific SEO, it is all about finding your target audience within the realms of your own industry. Oddly enough, you operate in an industry where there is plenty of competition, but where the online spectrum is so broad that there are plenty of areas that are ripe for exploitation.

Attorney SEO And The Finite Approach

Trying to hunt down new customers is actually the wrong way to go. Address your marketing and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as if you were addressing regular customers. This plays into the fact that attorneys have a finite service, and for some reason, when services are finite (like proofreaders, voice actors, etc.), the “New customer focus” often comes across as desperate. Do not use keywords or SEO methods that attract new customers. Use the sorts of keywords and techniques that attract people who are already accustomed to your services. You will gain more traction as an established business and will not have to compete with the ten-a-penny services out there that are begging for clients.

Read more about Attorney SEO at SEO Expert Danny.