school for seo

Most entrepreneurs do not have time to optimize their websites as they have to balance several tasks while scaling their businesses. But SEO is a vital ingredient in scaling growth. That’s why our school for SEO is geared towards those busy entrepreneurs and small business owners. 

school for seo

School for SEO to Implement Tactics 

Despite your limited time and resources, you can still learn SEO through the online SEO courses we offer here at SEO Academy. The things you can learn from the courses would include the following topics: 

Maximizing Technical SEO 

SEO makes sure that search engine bots can read and index your site. The key factors in here would include ensuring that your site’s pages will load quickly. Then, assure that all links are functions. 

Through our SEO Academy, you will learn how to create a site map and submit it to Google. A site map is vital as it tells Google web crawlers on how to index your content. 

Our instructors will also give you some methods on how to properly remove older pages that are performing poorly. These pages are affecting your search ranking. Thus, you should eliminate them. When done properly, this method could help boost your site’s ranking. 

Then, you will learn the proper and easy way to fix broken links. This is vital because links can improve search engine’s assessments of your site. It also boosts user experience. 

Optimizing Local SEO 

Google tweaks its search algorithm to deliver local results when users seemed to be searching for options near their location. As a small business owner, you can maximize this opportunity by focusing on local SEO. 

One of the ways to do so is to maintain an accurate Google My Business profile. This profile appears in Google search results. Thus, you must fill out your company’s information accurately. 

By listing your business, you are enabling your customers to leave their reviews. You can respond to these reviews. Engaging with reviews will help in building your digital reputation. It also helps in developing a loyal community of customers. 

Maximizing On-Page SEO 

The content on your website must be optimized to focus on target keywords. Doing so will help increase the odds of pages included in the search results. 

One of the best practices is to optimize page titles and headlines. Keep in mind that the headline you pick for a piece of content can affect the click-through rate, which also influences the content’s ranking. 

Why Choose to Learn SEO Online Courses 

Indeed, you can find free SEO content online. However, most of the topics are generic. When you choose to enroll in one of our online courses, you will get in-depth information about a certain topic. 

For example, our content marketing mastery course will give you a step-by-step guide on how to turn content into organic traffic. As you finish the course, you will become a certified content marketer.

These are not the only things you can learn when you enroll in our school for SEO. To know more about the courses we offer, please call us today at (877) 503-8231